
Interior Demolition. Examples

Remove a kitchen. Remove a bathroom. Remove the walls, floors, and ceilings of 1 room or an entire house. Remove a deck.

Free estimates over the phone. I need pictures and measurements of the room or thing you want removed. Price includes demolition, disposal, screw removal, and light sweeping. WARNING glue removal is extra.

Demolition minimum price $400.

Examples of work I don’t do, or am far more expensive.

Large scale dangerous tree removal. Remove an entire structure, such as a garage, barn, or house. These are for a different type of contractor using diesel power and over $200k in heavy equipment.

Can you get an excavator to the thing you want removed? No human can compete with an Excavator. However an excavator can’t remove your bathroom without first taking your roof and a couple rooms next to it.

Sample Prices

prices are in lnft (linear feet) or sqft (square feet). Linear would be like a 10ft long wall. Or a 15ft long kitchen counter. Sqft would be a 10ftx10ft room or 100sqft

Drywall $7.50 per lnft. 10ft wall is $75. walls of a 10ftx10ft room is $300.

Drywall Celing. $1.20 per sqft. 10ftx10ft ceiling is $120. Complete drywall removal of a 10ftx10ft room is $420

Plaster prices are exactly doube of drywall. $15 lnft. $2.40 sqft. $840 per plaster 10ftx10ft room.

Tile $6.50 per sqft. 6ftx8ft bathroom floor $312

carpet $1.00 per sqft or $0.75 with no hardware pulling (staples and nails).